Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
442 lines
Option Explicit
Dim ButtonCount As Integer
Dim StatusText As String ' The statusbar caption
Dim Parents() As Form ' the parent form of each button
Dim Menus() As Menu 'array of menus each button is linked to
Const BUTTONS_DOWN = 100
' Flags for monitoring ToolTips
Dim TT_Control As Control
Dim TT_CurrentWindow As Integer
Dim TT_StartTime As Long
Dim TT_Visible As Integer
Dim TT_Point As PointAPI
Dim TT_LastDisplayed As Long
Function BaseButton (Index As Integer) As Integer
BaseButton = Index
BaseButton = Index - BUTTONS_DISABLED
ElseIf Index >= BUTTONS_DOWN Then
BaseButton = Index - BUTTONS_DOWN
End If
End Function
' This loop generates the Disabled and Down images ready for use.
Sub Create_OtherButtons (ButtonParent As Form, PicBox As PictureBox, BC As Integer, Start As Integer, Finish As Integer)
ButtonCount = BC
ReDim Preserve Parents(ButtonCount)
ReDim Preserve Menus(ButtonCount)
Dim X As Integer
For X = Start To Finish
PicBox.Picture = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Picture
PushDown PicBox
Load ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + X)
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + X).Left = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Left
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + X).Top = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Top
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + X).Tag = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Tag
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + X).Picture = PicBox.Image
PicBox.Picture = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Picture
DisableButton PicBox
Load ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + X)
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + X).Left = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Left
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + X).Top = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Top
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + X).Tag = ButtonParent.ToolButton(X).Tag
ButtonParent.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + X).Picture = PicBox.Image
Set Parents(X) = ButtonParent
End Sub
' This actually creates the Disabled image from the Up image.
' We need a picture box for this to work
Private Sub DisableButton (Button As PictureBox)
Dim SX1 As Integer
Dim SX2 As Integer
Dim SY1 As Integer
Dim SY2 As Integer
Dim DX As Integer
Dim DY As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim LR As Long
Dim rgbFace As Long
Dim rgbShadow As Long
Dim rgbHilight As Long
Dim rgbFrame As Long
Dim Dest_hDC As Integer
Dim hdcMono As Integer
Dim hbmMono As Integer
Dim hbmTemp As Integer
Dim hbmDefault As Integer
Dim hdcTemp As Integer
Dim hbr As Integer
Dim hbrOld As Integer
SX1 = 1
SY1 = 1
SX2 = Button.ScaleWidth - 3
SY2 = Button.ScaleHeight - 3
DX = 1
DY = 1
Dest_hDC = Button.hDC
rgbFace = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)
rgbShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)
rgbHilight = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT)
rgbFrame = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)
hdcTemp = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC)
hbmTemp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(Dest_hDC, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1)
hdcMono = CreateCompatibleDC(Dest_hDC)
hbmMono = CreateBitmap(SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, 1, 1, ByVal 0&)
R = SelectObject(hdcMono, hbmMono)
R = SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmTemp)
R = BitBlt(hdcTemp, DX, DY, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, Dest_hDC, SX1, SY1, SRCCOPY)
R = PatBlt(hdcMono, DX, DY, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, WHITENESS)
LR = SetBkColor(hdcTemp, rgbFace) ' // 1's in mono -> 1
R = BitBlt(hdcMono, DX, DY, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, hdcTemp, SX1, SY1, SRCCOPY)
LR = SetBkColor(hdcTemp, rgbHilight) ' // 1's in mono -> 1
R = BitBlt(hdcMono, DX, DY, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, hdcTemp, SX1, SY1, SRCPAINT)
LR = SetTextColor(Dest_hDC, &H0) ' // 0's in mono -> 0 (for ROP)
LR = SetBkColor(Dest_hDC, &HFFFFFF) ' // 1's in mono -> 1
hbr = CreateSolidBrush(rgbHilight)
hbrOld = SelectObject(Dest_hDC, hbr)
R = BitBlt(Dest_hDC, DX + 1, DY + 1, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, hdcMono, SX1, SY1, &HB8074A)
R = SelectObject(Dest_hDC, hbrOld)
R = DeleteObject(hbr)
' // Gray out picture
hbr = CreateSolidBrush(rgbShadow)
hbrOld = SelectObject(Dest_hDC, hbr)
' // Draw the shadow color where we have 0's in the mask.
R = BitBlt(Dest_hDC, DX, DY, SX2 - SX1 + 1, SY2 - SY1 + 1, hdcMono, SX1, SY1, &HB8074A)
R = SelectObject(Dest_hDC, hbrOld)
R = DeleteObject(hbr)
R = DeleteDC(hdcMono)
R = DeleteDC(hdcTemp)
R = DeleteObject(hbmMono)
R = DeleteObject(hbmTemp)
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayHelp (Help$)
If Len(Help$) Then ' Double check help$
' Make sure help form is invisible:
' Change caption of label:
frmToolTip.Label1.Caption = Help$
' Offset the form from the cursor
frmToolTip.Top = (TT_Point.Y + TT_Control.Height + 10) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
frmToolTip.Left = TT_Point.X * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
frmToolTip.Width = (frmToolTip.Label1.Width + 6) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
frmToolTip.Height = (frmToolTip.Label1.Height + 2) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
If Screen.Width < frmToolTip.Width + frmToolTip.Left Then frmToolTip.Left = Screen.Width - 1.1 * frmToolTip.Width
' Make sure form is on top:
' Show form without the focus:
If ShowWindow(frmToolTip.hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE) Then
End If
TT_Visible = True
' Hide the form:
TT_Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EnableButton (Button As PictureBox)
Button.Enabled = True
End Sub
Function GetButtonState (Index As Integer)
GetButtonState = Menus(Index).Checked
End Function
' This calculates the number we need to use in the Sendmessage to
' Click the linked menu
Function GetMenuIndex (mnu As Menu) As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Index As Integer
Dim F As Form
Set F = mnu.Parent
For X = 0 To F.Controls.Count - 1
If TypeOf F.Controls(X) Is Menu Then Exit For
Do While Not F.Controls(X + Index) Is mnu
Index = Index + 1
GetMenuIndex = Index + 1
End Function
Function GetMenuTag (Index As Integer) As String
If Not Menus(Index) Is Nothing Then GetMenuTag = Menus(Index).Tag
End Function
Sub LinkMenu (ButtonID As Integer, mnu As Menu)
Set Menus(ButtonID) = mnu
End Sub
Sub PositionButtons (Positions() As Integer, ToolBar As Control)
' We need to position the buttons because the position of buttons cannot be
' guaranteed when run on machines with Large screen fonts if designed in small fonts mode.
Dim X As Integer
Dim Direction As Integer
Dim Next_Left As Integer
Dim LastToolButton
For X = 0 To UBound(Positions)
Select Case Positions(X)
Next_Left = ToolBar.ScaleWidth - ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(LastToolButton).Width
Next_Left = Next_Left + ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(0).Width / 3
Next_Left = Next_Left - ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(0).Width / 3
End If
Case Else
LastToolButton = Positions(X)
ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(Positions(X)).Left = Next_Left
ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(Positions(X) + BUTTONS_DOWN).Left = Next_Left
ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(Positions(X) + BUTTONS_DISABLED).Left = Next_Left
Next_Left = Next_Left + ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(Positions(X)).Width
Next_Left = Next_Left - ToolBar.Parent.ToolButton(Positions(X)).Width
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub PushDown (PicBox As PictureBox)
Dim X As Integer
Dim mWidth As Integer
Dim mHeight As Integer
mHeight = PicBox.ScaleHeight
mWidth = PicBox.ScaleWidth
' The next 3 lines change the look of the button when pressed down
' Change the FillColor property of PicBox to see the effects
' PicBox.FillColor = &HC0& ' Red Pictures
PicBox.FillColor = &H404040 ' Grey pictures
PicBox.DrawMode = 15
PicBox.Line (0, 0)-(PicBox.ScaleWidth - 2, PicBox.ScaleHeight - 2), , B
' Copy the image 2 pixels down and 2 pixels right
X = BitBlt(PicBox.hDC, 3, 3, mWidth - 4, mHeight - 4, PicBox.hDC, 2, 2, SRCCOPY)
PicBox.DrawMode = 13
PicBox.Line (2, 2)-(mWidth - 2, 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)
PicBox.Line (2, 3)-(2, mHeight - 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)
PicBox.Line (1, 1)-(1, mHeight - 2), &H808080
PicBox.Line (1, 1)-(mWidth - 2, 1), &H808080
PicBox.Line (2, mHeight - 2)-(mWidth - 2, mHeight - 2), RGB(192, 192, 192)
PicBox.Line (mWidth - 2, 2)-(mWidth - 2, mHeight - 1), RGB(192, 192, 192)
End Sub
Sub SetStatusText (Message As String)
StatusText = Message
End Sub
Private Sub ShowButtonDisabled (Index As Integer)
Dim F As Form
Set F = Parents(Index)
F.ToolButton(Index).Visible = False
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + Index).Visible = False
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + Index).Visible = Menus(Index).Visible
End Sub
Private Sub ShowButtonDown (Index As Integer)
Dim F As Form
Set F = Parents(Index)
F.ToolButton(Index).Visible = False
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + Index).Visible = Menus(Index).Visible
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + Index).Visible = False
Do While GetKeyState(MK_LBUTTON) < 0
End Sub
Private Sub ShowButtonUp (Index As Integer)
Dim F As Form
Set F = Parents(Index)
F.ToolButton(Index).Visible = Menus(Index).Visible
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DOWN + Index).Visible = False
F.ToolButton(BUTTONS_DISABLED + Index).Visible = False
End Sub
Sub SynchButtons ()
Dim X As Integer
Dim mnu As Menu
For X = 0 To ButtonCount
If Not Menus(X) Is Nothing Then
Set mnu = Menus(X)
If mnu.Enabled Then
If mnu.Checked Then
Call ShowButtonDown(X)
Call ShowButtonUp(X)
End If
ShowButtonDisabled (X)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ToolButtonClick (Index As Integer)
Dim C As Control, F As Form
Dim X As Integer
Dim retval As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not Menus(Index) Is Nothing Then
Set F = Menus(Index).Parent
retval = SendMessage(F.hWnd, WM_COMMAND, GetMenuIndex(Menus(Index)), ByVal 0&)
End If
End Sub
Sub ToolButtonMouseDown (Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Index = BaseButton(Index)
If Button = MK_LBUTTON And Menus(Index).Enabled Then ShowButtonDown Index
End Sub
Sub ToolButtonMouseUp (Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim F As Form
Dim ButtonClicked As Integer
Index = BaseButton(Index)
If Button = MK_LBUTTON Then
If Menus(Index).Enabled And Menus(Index).Visible Then Call ShowButtonUp(Index)
Set F = Parents(Index)
ButtonClicked = True
If X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX < 0 Then ButtonClicked = False
If Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY < 0 Then ButtonClicked = False
If X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX > F.ToolButton(Index).Width Then ButtonClicked = False
If Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY > F.ToolButton(Index).Height Then ButtonClicked = False
If ButtonClicked Then ToolButtonClick (Index)
End If
End Sub
Sub ToolHelp (C As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim PT As PointAPI
If C Is TT_Control And TT_Visible Then Exit Sub
Call GetCursorPos(PT)
TT_CurrentWindow = WindowfromPoint(PT.Y, PT.X)
TT_StartTime = GetTickCount()
Set TT_Control = C
TT_Point.X = PT.X - X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
TT_Point.Y = PT.Y - Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
If TT_Visible Then Call DisplayHelp(CStr(C.Tag))
End Sub
Sub TT_Test ()
Dim PT As PointAPI
Dim NOT_OK As Integer
If TT_Visible Then TT_LastDisplayed = GetTickCount()
If TT_StartTime > 0 Then
Call GetCursorPos(PT)
If WindowfromPoint(PT.Y, PT.X) = TT_CurrentWindow Then
If TT_Visible Then
If CStr(TT_Control.Tag) <> frmToolTip.Label1 Then
DisplayHelp (CStr(TT_Control.Tag))
Exit Sub
End If
If PT.X < TT_Point.X Then NOT_OK = True
If PT.Y < TT_Point.Y Then NOT_OK = True
If PT.X > TT_Point.X + TT_Control.Width Then NOT_OK = True
If PT.Y > TT_Point.Y + TT_Control.Height Then NOT_OK = True
If NOT_OK Then
If TT_Visible Then Call DisplayHelp("")
TT_CurrentWindow = -1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If (GetTickCount() - TT_StartTime > 600 Or GetTickCount() - TT_LastDisplayed < 300) And TT_Visible = False Then
Call DisplayHelp(CStr(TT_Control.Tag))
End If
If TT_Visible Then Call DisplayHelp("")
TT_CurrentWindow = -1
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateStatusBar (StatusBar As Control)
Dim SB_Parent As Form
Dim PT As PointAPI
Static CurrentStatusText As String
Static CurrentExtraCaptionText As String
Dim F As Form
Dim wPoint As PointAPI
Dim Temp$
Dim Window As Integer
Dim Row As Long, Col As Long
Dim C As Control
Set SB_Parent = StatusBar.Parent
Temp$ = SB_Parent.lblDateTime
If IsDate(Temp$) Then
If Minute(TimeValue(Temp$)) <> Minute(Now) Then SB_Parent.lblDateTime = Format(Now, "Medium Date") & " " & Format(Now, "hh:mm")
SB_Parent.lblDateTime = Format(Now, "Medium Date") & " " & Format(Now, "hh:mm")
End If
Temp$ = ""
If GetKeyState(KEY_NUMLOCK) = 1 Then Temp$ = "NUM"
If SB_Parent.lblNumLock <> Temp$ Then SB_Parent.lblNumLock = Temp$
Temp$ = ""
If GetKeyState(KEY_CAPITAL) = 1 Then Temp$ = "CAPS"
If SB_Parent.lblCapslock <> Temp$ Then SB_Parent.lblCapslock = Temp$
GetCursorPos PT
If WindowfromPoint(PT.Y, PT.X) = GetTopWindow(MDI.hWnd) Then StatusText = "For Help, press F1"
If StatusText <> CurrentStatusText Then
CurrentStatusText = StatusText
SB_Parent.lblStatusText = " " & StatusText
End If
Temp$ = ""
Set F = MDI.ActiveForm
If Not F Is Nothing Then
Set C = F.ActiveControl
If Not C Is Nothing Then
If TypeOf C Is TextBox Then
Row = SendMessage(C.hWnd, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, -1, ByVal 0&)
Col = SendMessage(C.hWnd, EM_LINEINDEX, -1, ByVal 0&)
Col = C.SelStart - Col
Temp$ = "Line " & Row + 1 & " : Col " & Col + 1
End If
End If
End If
If Temp$ <> CurrentExtraCaptionText Then
CurrentExtraCaptionText = Temp$
SB_Parent.lblExtraCaption = Temp$
End If
End Sub